Friday, 25 January 2013


By Coralie Raia Darsey-Malloy and David Malloy

There are some who refuse to think.. they just rearrange their prejudices.

--Dr. Robert Anthony

 This article has been previously published and we maintain copyright with the freedom to share it where we choose. It is also on some of our other forums and blogs. We welcome the opportunity to contribute to OV Times and enjoy exchanging views with others here.

 In our work as group leaders, life coaches and public speakers David and I have often been told that we should not discuss topics of religion, politics and  spirituality because someone might take offense. That has not been our experience. We have found that people with open hearts and minds can freely discuss most anything.

Our approach involves something we call "respectful dialog." This method allows each side to listen attentively so they can hear differing points of view. It requires understanding and acceptance...even when there is disagreement about the validity of any position.

 Respectful dialog is not about polarization through black/white/right/wrong thinking. It looks for common ground. Even when there does not appear to be any; there is a willingness to accept that people have a right to their opinions, choices and lifestyles...whether anyone else agrees or not. It is also an ability to open up to hard facts that differ from long held beliefs. Watching and listening in interactions with others reveals how open people actually are.

The biggest clue that they are not receptive to another point of view is the tendency to divert attention back to their position. They override, discredit and/or ignore what they perceive as an oppositing view so they can continue beating the drum about whatever they believe. We had one person who was bold enough to emphatically state, "I don't care what the facts are I believe what I think is "right." That loud clunk is the sound of minds' closing as they walk away muttering...'research and facts...who needs mind is already made up 'in self-affirming mind chatter. All so they can remainw within their current level of consciousness and fixated, conditioned thinking.

 Spin doctors feed "trends" into the worldwide web and rather than verifying facts many news feeds pick it up and run without verifying much of anything. Then everyday people add momentum through social media and when enough people jump onto the bandwagon everything is  off to the races. Critical thinking goes out the window and people frequently create conspiracy theories without any hard evidence to back it up. You Tube is full of photo-shopped, spliced and at times poorly edited snippets that distort reality because they have small fragments of truth that many find believable.

Humanity is blessed in that we all have the opportunity to choose our path, grow our souls and learn life lessons...through the choices we make. It is accepted that none of us have control over much of what occurs through this journey called life. However, we all have absolute control over how we choose to respond to people and events.  In our view...the cause and effect of every thought and action has a ripple or "butterfly" effect. That is why we consistently suggest that every point of view has merit. That way differences do not have to create discord.

Challenges in communication arise when others are pointing fingers and saying their way is the best and only way. There are many out there who within their understanding of  God/Goddess or believe they are the chosen ones or have a calling beyond the rest. That belief, in and of itself is arrogant. Whether we're able to own the reality or not...everyone is a spark from the Divine in one way or another. We question and ask of ourselves and others: Who are we to judge? Who makes anyone else the authority in the lives of others? Are we ever really qualified to cast stones?

 We always try to bear in mind that we could be have an erroneous view about anything. We are far enough along the path to accept that everything is filtered through our beliefs, attitudes, upbringing past experiences. Knowing that we look for the common threads and manifestations consistently over time to help assess what could conceivably be  "truth." The one common theme within all great doctrines is love and striving to "love more" is the framework for everything else we say and do.

Loving behaviors towards others do not include judgments, condemnations, superiority, bigotry, pride, control and belittling. Those who keep their heart-minds open have more compassion and respect for differences. With love as a core belief they allow others to create life as they see fit...without demeaning the path they are on.

In our view...we are from One Source and come into life to learn, grow and change. Often those changes come about after making some less than discerning choices and having to account for them. Perceptions about "truth" are in reality...just that. Perceptions based on teachings passed down by others and eventually integrated as one's own. Even when perception becomes one reality and form of truth...there is no saying that it actually is...even though many claim otherwise.
Opening up to hear a variety of views and using basic critical thinking skills is a good way avoid becoming stuck and self-righteou

We hold to the idea that with  enough love and unity humanity could resolve all the problems we are facing.  Those who kill, plunder, create hate and fear in the name of any God invariably create polarity. In comparison  those who are examples of love, compassion and faith inspire others to create positive change.  In our view that life would be a lot less complicated if we could all focus on causing harm to none and building consensus rather than diverseness.

If I had a wish for this year it would be that people would research their positions, consider more than one side of things, source out where and from whom they are getting their information from and tip the kaleidoscopic enough to see things from another perspective before putting their opinions out there without encouraging people to verify things for themselves.  Of late things often  feel rather surreal as we become more “real.” We see distortions in thinking in a variety of trends in the media, on the internet, forums, in politics, religion, the entertainment industry and it appears there is more cult-like brain-washing than ever before because mass media fuels it.

Our approach to fact finding came under the mentorship of an old hard news reporter. In one of our many discussions he lamented that current journalists no longer spend needed time to gather different sides to the story and keep their personal views out of it. He said that old reporters were trained in ways that encouraged the readership to assess things for themselves through informed sources. Not so today. There are far more “pontificating pendants” than media reporters and Bloggers both amateur and professional tout their opinions as the Gospel according to whomever. 

The spiritual perspectives we offer are ones based in an abiding respect for the opinions of others...whether we agree or disagree.  They are just those…offerings. Comments and feedback are always welcome...all we ask is that exchanges be conducted in a spirit of...respectful dialog.


Sunday, 20 January 2013


By Coralie Darsey-Malloy

You can’t help getting older…but you don’t have to get old.
--George Burns

While sitting in the surgeon’s office waiting for the results from the MRI on my knees I took a few moments to consider the various circumstances that had led me to this point.  I am an active person and from early in life my knees have been put through their paces and have always served me well. When I was younger they came back from torn ligaments and a broken ankle that affected the biomechanics of the knees…for awhile. 

As far back as the   early 90’s a doctor at the Pan Am Sports Clinic recommended   having them “scoped” when X-Rays showed osteoarthritis involving the patellofemoral bilateral joints in the knee and surrounding area. I chose not to have surgery then but could not help but wonder if I would be able to avoid it again.   Could it really be that my” age” and years of hiking on uneven terrain, rock wall climbing, riding (and falling off) a number of horses, digging and weeding a multitude of gardens have finally damaged them beyond repair?   There was a considerable amount of pain and swelling in the knees that was affecting activity and comfort levels and it had me concerned.

The trip down memory lane was interrupted as the surgeon walked through the door, sat down, opened my file and said in a matter of fact way. “I have the results of your MRI here. You have torn the meniscus in your knees…that is the U-shaped cushion under your kneecap.  This area   will not heal and your   only option is to remove the torn meniscus, and some of the surrounding tissue. Granted, it will affect your gait and mobility but in my opinion that is the course of action you should take. He did not look in my direction as he made a few notes, closed my file, opened his day-timer, picked a time for the surgery, wrote it down and handed me the particulars.

With everything happening so fast I barely had time to interject with a comment that I would prefer to consider some other forms of therapy before “going under the knife.”  After briefly glancing my way he opened the file, scribbled a note and left without another word.  Had he given me a little more time I would have indicated that in the event that the complimentary systems did not work out I would be back to discuss the surgery; but the opportunity never arose.

As my husband and I left the building I recalled the precautionary words of our family doctor when she set up the appointment. She reminded me that surgeons like to cut and are usually not interested in “other options.” Her prophetic words   had proven to be true. Having said that I know that surgery does have its place for knees that are so damaged that it is affecting the quality of life.  However, even with the level of discomfort I had been experiencing at the time I did not feel that was true in my case. 

I decided to take the same track I have with any other health challenge…a whole person, proactive approach. The following day I made calls to our family physician and trusted chiropractor Dr. Rick Foul at the Pembina Chiropractic Center on Pembina Highway in Winnipeg.  After looking at the results of the MRI he suggested calling Dr. Neil Craton at Legacy Sports Clinic because of his excellent reputation and conservative approach to surgery. I gave his name to our family doctor and she sent a referral over and an appointment was made with Dr. Craton for a month later.

Our family physician has always supported complimentary healing systems and respected my decision to hold off on the surgery. She sent me for physiotherapy and their assessment from was encouraging.  The therapist was impressed with my flexibility and overall strength and gave me a series of exercises to strengthen the quads and ligaments surrounding the knees including a daily cycling regime.  Evidently, it is one of the best exercises for both the meniscus and osteoarthritic knees. The rotating motion   keeps joints limber without stressing them.  Her precautionary advice hit home when I learned that swelling and inflammation can create further damage. So whenever the knees were swollen and sore I iced and rested them.  I also added acupuncture to my knee restoration program and within a few weeks there was a noticeable reduction in pain levels and an increase in mobility.  Even though I had been supplementing my diet with glucosamine I found a powdered form that was even more effective that what I was using before.

When I went for my consultation with Dr. Craton he did a thorough assessment, took some X-Rays and discussed the results in a reassuring manner.  As we viewed the results together he said that there was some degeneration of the joints but that he had seen similar knees in active 30 year olds.  I was relieved to hear that in his opinion surgery was not needed. He also said that if I could prevent further degeneration it may never be necessary.  After his diagnosis he showed me some “wall squats” and suggested doing as many in a day as I could comfortably manage. He gave me the green light to continue adding GLH to my diet because research supports that it can reduce pain and swelling and strengthen cartilage. Towards the end on the consultation Dr. Craton suggested being fitted for special knee braces that improve the biomechanics of the knees and set up an appointment for an orthidist in the sports section of Legacy.

The orthidist made a plaster form of both legs so the braces would be customized to the requirements of my condition. The braces are designed to realign the knees and prevent further compression on the joints. They are available in a variety of colors and I chose yellow to contrast the black straps because I had reached a point in my healing journey where I felt like a bumble bee. Even though aerodynamically bumble bees are not “supposed” to be able to fly…they do.  The surgeon said that my only recourse was surgery I was able to find bring my knees back without it.

When I went back to have the braces fitted clear instructions were given.  He made sure that I understood that the braces are not a “cure.” They are designed to prevent further damage on the knees during high stress activities such as long walks, hiking and climbing but should not be worn all the time.  Initially they are only worn 1 hour a day and gradually increased so the body can acclimatize to a different alignment in the knees.  The good news is that our health care system covered the cost of the braces because they had been recommended by a specialist.

My final “step” involved replacing my old orthotics with a new set and purchasing a high end set of runners. As the therapist pointed out without proper foot alignment the knees often become misaligned…and damaged.  By supporting the body from the bottom up everything is more balanced.  She also made me aware of  air splints that I could wear to support my ankles while hiking, rock wall climbing or walking on uneven terrain and I purchased a set of those as well.
Admittedly, there was some out of pocket investments that were not covered by Medicare but it was worth every penny. Here I am a few years later and my knees have become strong enough to resume all my favorite activities. I accept that there is damage there and whether it is reversible or not is of no real concern to me.  As I become more aware and able to support my body through the ageing process I am becoming stronger and healthier than I was in my youth.  My knees, like my mindsets are far more flexible than they once were and I know there is a correlation there.

There are times when I am exploring outdoor trails I  may look like a female version of robo-cop with my ankle air splints  and bumble bee knee braces.  Sometimes  passerby’s smile at the quirky statement they make and I smile back with a knowing grin. Yes, these knees are made for walking and my intention is that they will be for many years to come.

Rather than opting for surgery and knee replacement I added physiotherapy, acupuncture and strength training and years later these knees are meant for walking, dancing and whatever else I feel like doing!

I am a free lance writer, author, life coach, seminar leader and public speaker. For more information check out our personal development company Fresh Beginnings at www.fresh-beginnings or the website for my book
To email:
 a life coach, group leader and public speaker. She can be reached at (204)

Saturday, 19 January 2013


Put forth the idea before it is late.. One of the best motivational video..


Doing what we love means we never really "work" a day in our lives.

Scott Dinsmore's mission is to change the world by helping people find what excites them and build a career around the work only they are capable of doing. He is a career change strategist whose demoralizing experience at a Fortune 500 job launched his quest to understand why 80% of adults hate the work they do, and more importantly, to identify what the other 20% were doing differently. His research led to experiences with thousands of employees and entrepreneurs from 158 countries. Scott distilled the results down to his Passionate Work Framework - three surprisingly simple practices for finding and doing work you love, that all happen to be completely within our control. He makes his career tools available free to the public through his community at
In the spirit of ideas worth spreading, TEDx is a program of local, self-organized events that bring people together to share a TED-like experience. At a TEDx event, TEDTalks video and live speakers combine to spark deep discussion and connection in a small group. These local, self-organized events are branded TEDx, where x = independently organized TED event. The TED Conference provides general guidance for the TEDx program, but individual TEDx events are self-organized.* (*Subject to certain rules and regulations)
This talk was shot shot and edited in stereoscopic 3D by Golden Gate 3D and Area 5.
To view in 3D, click here:


1. Make lists
2. Carry a Notebook everywhere
3. Try free writing
4. Get away from the computer
5. Quit beating yourself up
6. Take breaks
7. Sing in the shower
8. Drink coffee
9. Listen to new music
10. Be open
11. Surround yourself with creative people
12. Get feedback
13. Collaborate
14. Don't give up
15. Practice
16. Allow yourself to make mistakes
17. Go somewhere new
18. Count your blessings
19. Get lots of rest
20. Take risks
21. Break the rules
22. Don't force it
23. Read a page of the dictionary
24. Create a framework
25. Stop trying to be someone else's perfect
26. Got an idea write it down
27. Clean your workspace
28. Have fun
29. Finish something

Friday, 18 January 2013


A query letter is a  "pitch" and being able to write a polished, professional and to the point query letter is the best way for a  writer's to convince propspective editors and publishers that we have an idea for an article that will that appeal to their readership. It is  important to researce prospective magazines to make sure proposed articles matches their genre.   Writer's lose creditility if they query for an article that was recently  published in previous editions or sending a gardening article to a fashion house publication.

Thursday, 17 January 2013



In youth we learn;
In age we understand.

--Marie von Ebner-Eschenbach

Our company Fresh Beginnings Personal Develop company was approached by Creative Retirement Manitoba to write, produce and present a Youthing As We Age Seminar and we did.  Youthing versus ageing is a timely topic with a generation of baby boomers rapidly advancing towards “the age of retirement.”  The course material explores ideas about ageism and youth. We ask and answer some of the following questions:

How old would you be if you did not know how old you are?
Is youth chronological, psychological or pathological?
Is ageing the same as getting old?
Is it possible to feel youthful and vital into advanced years?
What does one need to do to create and maintain “youthful ageing?”
Is the possibility of life extension probable…or wishful thinking?
These ideas and others are questions numerous mind-body researchers are exploring and they are discovering that longevity is no accident.


Course content is presented in a lively, motivational style with group interaction, handouts, self-discovery exercises and a suggested reading list.
Offers suggestions for a wellness-based lifestyle with balance  in the physical, nutritional, environmental, emotional, social and spiritual.
An emphasis is placed on knowledge, realistic and implementable action plans and self-responsible choice-making.
Offers practical ideas that can improve the quality of life…at any age.
Presents a  variety of “self-health” modalities including the benefits of humour, healing attitudes and creative visualization.
Growing older is mandatory…getting old is an option
During one of our seminars an active person of advanced year observed  that all too often age leads to the deterioration of enthusiasm, faith and a will to live and progress. When there is more of that in life coupled with a good sense of humor life is worth living…at any age. 
This approach is being confirmed in research in the mind-body field. Evidently, every experience in life changes the brain’s anatomy and emotional biochemistry.

Candice Pert’s (  in the biological responses to emotion and others in this field conforms that we cannot be anything different than what we believe ourselves to be. These findings could explain why there is such a dramatic difference in the way many health-conscious people age and what youthing versus ageing addresses.



By Coralie Darsey-Malloy
As there are no known cures for colds and flu prevention is the goal. Most cold and flu viruses are spread by direct contact so  minimizing exposure and strengthening the immune system are two effective ways to stay healthy.

When someone with the flu or cold sneezes into their hand then touches objects the infection can be picked up by the next person who touches it. Widespread outbreaks of influenza usually occur during the flu season, which typically runs from late November to March.

Caution needs to be exercised when using painkillers normally used for headaches to relieve fever and pain. Be aware of the does and combinations of ingredients when using more than one product in tablets, capsules, hot lemon drinks that contain the same active ingredient such as paramcetamol. It is best to to consult pharmacists or physicians rather than self-prescribing over-the-counter remedies that claim to be “natural” but often contain unhealthy ingredients.

Although  flu infections and colds  can be dangerous, the vast majority of people who come down with them recover within a week or two.   Despite what many have heard or believe the flu vaccine does not provide guaranteed protection against catching the virus and some believe that flu vaccines may cause more harm than good.  With growing concern over the HINI virus many are looking for effective, natural anti-flu strategies and flu treatments. 

 Preventative lifestyle basics:

1. Get enough sleep. The immune system functions much better with 7-9 hours sleep for optimal health. When the body is fatigued it is less able to ward off viruses and infections.
2. Exercise moderately on a regular basis as it builds up immune responses.
3. Avoid sugar. Even small amounts of sugar can significantly impair immune function leaving it more susceptible to the flu.
4. During winter heat from forced air and electrical heating systems dries out the mucus membranes and it is important to keep them well-hydrated by drinking more water.  Getting some fresh air and improving room ventilation are healthy ways of giving the body some relief and are key components in fighting off viruses.
5. The virus enters through eyes, nose, mouth and possibly ears so it is important to  keep your distance from those who are infected and wash hands frequently. It is advisable to carry hand sanitizers and use them after shaking hands or touching handles, payphones and doorknobs or anything else others have touched. If nothing is available rub hands together very hard for a minute or so to help break up the germs.  When going out in public coating the inside of the nostrils with sesame oil can trap germs and viruses and prevent them from entering the body.
6. To reduce chances of infection develop the habit of keeping about 6 feet distance between yourself and others who are infected. Do  not shake hands without immediately washing them for 15-20 seconds with warm water and soap.
7. When coughing and sneezing it is preferable to use the crook of the elbow rather than muffling them with bare hands or tissues. When a tissue is used throw it away and thoroughly sanitize the hands.
8. Relax and keep a positive attitude to activate the immune system.  Negative mindsets and too much stress have a negative impact on overall health and over time unrelenting stress weakens the whole system.  Meditation, maintaining a positive attitude combined with a healthy lifestyle  can reduce stress responses. When relaxation skills are put into action interleukins (leaders in immune response) increase in the bloodstream. Taking time each day to  envision oneself in pleasant, calming places is a learnable skill. It is important to note that those who try to relax but find the mind wandering or feel bored show no changes in blood chemicals.
9. Reduce alcohol consumption during flu season. Too much alcohol impairs liver and immunity and  creates greater susceptibility to infections.
10. Avoid smoke filled places and smoking. First and second hand smoke significantly impairs the immune system and dries out nasal passages, paralyzes the small hairs in the nose and lungs that help ward off viruses.
11. Taking regular saunas are a preventative step many Europeans take. The air in saunas is too hot for viruses to survive and steam and infra saunas have immune boosting effects.  Those with heart conditions should consult their physician before using any form of intense heal therapy.  h
12. A healthy diet including proven immune-boosting foods can be a preventative way of catching the flu.

Flu Fighting Foods:

Eating  a variety of dark green, red and yellow vegetables and fruits  that are packed with healthy phyto-nutrients can give the immune system a boost. “Phyto” means plants and the natural ingredients supercharge the vitamins in food.  
Fresh raw or lightly-cooked garlic has strong, natural antiviral properties. It also provides a boost to the immune system when eaten on a regular basis.
Green tea, like  garlic has the ability to both kill viruses and stimulate the immune system when 3-6 cups of strong green tea are taken per day during flu season.
Add Cayenne pepper to foods and drinks immune boosting   nutrient Vitamin A.
The beneficial bacteria in yogurt can stimulate production of immune system substances that help the body fight disease.
Supplements of vitamin C, zinc and the herbal remedy Echinacea are popular cold and flu remedies. Echinacea is reported to be more effective if taken early enough before symptoms worsen.
Colds, Viruses and Self-Help:
Colds are caused by different sorts of viruses. The rhinovirus and corona virus are most common and are often more frequent between late autumn and early spring. The cold virus grows in soft, warm surfaces of the nose, throat, sinuses and airways and that is where the symptoms include sneezing, runny nose, sore through, cough, headache and generally tired. Sometimes these symptoms are accompanied by slight fever and aching muscles. Normal body temperature is 37 degrees Celsius.  Usually the body will fight off the infection without needing to see a  doctor. However if symptoms of severe vomiting, diarrhea, earaches, difficulty breathing, rashes, uncontrollable coughs with yellowy green or rust colored phlegm and extreme lethargy or drowsiness develop it is advisable to contact your doctor or  health practitioner.
Colds and sinusitis can develop into infections that affect breathing such as bronchitis, pneumonia and are more common for those who smoke have asthma or chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD).Younger children can be prone to middle ear infections and develop complications from the common cold and it is important to keep an eye on their symptoms. Antibiotics aren’t prescribed for a cold but can treat other infections caused by bacteria.
Here are some self-help options to try during the cold and flu season:
Gargle with ½ teaspoon salt in warm water.
When sinuses are congested steam inhalations with sage, chamomile leaves, menthol, eucalyptus can help to clear them. Sipping sage and clove tea can be soothing to the system and help to fight infections. Nasal saline drops are another option. 
Vapor rubs,  soaks in a warm tub with Epsom salts and hot water bottles  can provide steam to stuffed nasal passages  and provide relief for sore aching muscles.
Lozenges with menthol, eucalyptus, honey, lemon may soothe an irritated throat.
Tissues with moisturizers and lip balm can help prevent sore skin around the nose and dry, chapped lips.
Ample rest and sleeping as needed supports the immune system as it works to overcome colds and flu.
Chinese medicine and herbal preparations suggested by a trained practitioner are another natural option to treating both colds and viruses. I am a
free lance photojournalist, author,  life coach, group leader and public speaker. For more information check out the following links:
 Fresh Beginnings Personal Development company website: or Email me at

The website for my book: I've Been There~A Testimony of Hope is:



Bison ...Truly the healthy choice for today’s health conscious consumer!

By Coralie Darsey-Malloy

When the opportunity to present my ‘perspectives’ on the benefits of bison it felt like an idea whose time has come. I have firsthand experience about the health promoting benefits of bison meat and in the last number of years increasing numbers of health conscious individuals are discovering that as well.   Before continuing, I fully understand and accept the value of vegetarian diets for those whose belief systems and biology are aligned to that way of eating. However, I also know that within my personal and professional experiences that vegetarianism does not support all body types…and mine was one of them.

After overcoming two eating disorders in the late eighties I researched vegetarianism and did my best to assure that it provide enough protein and nutrients.  However, after a year or so on that regime I started to put on a flabby type of weight. Through time my muscles became more flaccid…even though I was exercising regularly. In that period I was working as a health consultant with Yvonne Derosiers at the Health Wheel and hosting a talk show on cablevision called Perspectives on Balanced living.

Those aspects of my professional life created numerous opportunities to interact with people from all walks of life. A few of them were touting the benefits of bison meat and other wild game because they provided healthy, low fat sources of protein. Among them was Naturopath Dr. George Kroeker. I became a patient of his during my vegetarian phase and went to him with a variety of health problems. 
Dr. Kroeker became my mentor as well as a doctor and under his guidance  0*7
 developed a greater understanding of the Hippocratic Oath and the "the healing power of nature" (vis medicatrix naturae).  Part of Hippocratic Oath says: “I will apply dietetic measures for the benefit of the sick according to my ability and judgment; I will keep them from harm and injustice.”  Dr. Kroeker always placed great emphasis on supporting ‘nature” and giving our bodies the nutritional support it needs. He strongly suggested that in order to re-gain strength I needed to introduce animal proteins back into my diet…even though it conflicted with my belief systems at that time.  He bluntly said I had a choice to make.

I could either hold to my ideals of remaining a vegetarian…or eat lean meat and regain my health. He was a strong advocate of bison and other game because they are nutrient dense meats, low in fat and easier to digest. He preferred bison meat but depending on availability suggested venison, emu, ostrich or rabbit as other option.  To help balance blood sugar imbalances he recommended 6 mini-meals a day that included two portions (a total of 6-8 ounces) of bison along with plenty of raw and lightly cooked vegetables, whole grains and fruit. After some consideration I reluctantly decided to heed his counsel and work with my body rather than against it as I had for so many years before. 
Shortly after adding bison to my menu planning I noticed an increase in energy, reduction in hypoglycemic symptoms, decrease in neurological numbing and tingling, weight loss and an overall improvement in body strength and lean muscle mass.  The positive changes motivated me to research the ‘why’ of ‘what’ was occurring. What I discovered then holds to this day… bison is a satisfying and wholesome food choice. 

Why Eat Bison?

Even though it was a number of years ago Dr. Kroeker was ahead of his time when he  pointed out what others are discovering today…that some who eliminate all meat from their diet may be at risk of developing B-12 deficiencies.  George Newman, MD, a nationally renowned stroke expert at a medical school and center in Stony Brook, Long Island discovered that ‘hidden’ deficiencies are becoming more widespread as health conscious individuals hit middle age.
Within his practice he discovered that up to 20% of his patients following meatless, ‘heart-healthy diets’ are developing B12 deficiencies.  Newman says that red meat is the best source of vitamin B12 and those who completely eliminate meats without supplementation can develop irreversible neurological damage if they do not have enough B12 in their systems.  Even some who take vitamins may not absorb them properly and can still be at risk.

Consequently more heart associations are recommending up to 6 ounces of lean meat and have added ‘lean cuts of bison’ in their brochures.   Bison meat provides 34% of the daily recommended amounts of protein, 32% of zinc, 33% of iron, 10% antioxidant selenium. It is a highly nutrient-dense food because of the proportion of protein fat, mineral and fatty acids to its caloric value. Studies show that bison also has greater concentrations of iron as well as some of the essential fatty acids necessary for good health. Bison are raised without steroids, hormones or animal by-products.  There are no drug residues and is usually non-allergenic and easier to digest by people with red meat intolerance. This naturally flavourful lean meat is low in fat, cholesterol and sodium. With bison having less fat and being a denser meat people eat less of it than other cuts.   It is important for consumers to know that bison does not taste gamey but has a unique, rich flavor and with the reduced fat content it cooks faster. Most who have said they don’t like it have often overcooked it.

Consumers are becoming more knowledgeable about food safety issues and are demanding safe, healthy, natural sources of food. This is another area where bison meets consumer’s needs.  In a phone interview with Leonard Chopp from L/B Bison in Vita (204) 425-3981 the innate hardiness of bison makes them attractive to producers because they are easier to maintain than traditional livestock. The Canadian Bison Association was established to recognize and promote the unique merits of bison, to develop production and promote public acceptance of bison and bison products. 
They continue to support research, quality control programs, develop awareness to support the bison industry. In conversation with L. Chopp he said that bison are essentially wild animals and their thick coats help to protect them from harsh winters. Their naturally strong immune systems keep antibiotic use to a minimum and are only used for humane reasons when an animal is in distress.

In Leonard’s experience bison ranchers have discovered that producers who care for their animals find they thrive within the natural habitat of North America ranges. Even though the industry has had its ups and downs they continue to develop programs that guide producer’s management practices and build consumer confidence in their product. Although they were affected by the border closings due to mad cow disease a few years ago the industry is feeling more optimistic about the future of bison throughout North America.  All meat is government inspected and further information can be obtained through the Canadian Bison Association at or 1-306-522-4766.
Return of the ‘great shaggies’

In our discussion Leonard and I agreed that there is much to celebrate about the return of the ‘great shaggies’ to North American plains.  Prior to the settlers arriving they were the sustenance of choice to Native people for centuries.  Prior to the arrival of settlers bison were the most numerous of all grazing animals on our continent.  Estimates of their numbers are only speculative, but have ranged from 30,000,000 to 75,000,000. By 1819 almost all the bison were extirpated east of the Mississippi. In the 1930’s following the decimation of the beaver, the American Fur Company and the Hudson Bay Company switched from purchasing beaver pelts to bison robes. Even though most of the bison disappeared west of the Rocky Mountains it was not until 1850’s that the massive slaughter of the plans bison began.

There were a number of contributing factors to the demise of the bison. Settlers, cow towns and cattle ranches sprang up and railways linking east to West made bison hunting a very lucrative process. The zealous slaughter of the bison was also a contributing factor in the subjugation of Native Indians. General Sheridan said, in reference to the bison hunters: “These men have done in the last two years , and will do in the next year more to settle the vexed Indian question than the entire regular army  has done in the last 30 years.” Sitting Bull the Sioux chief who defeated Custer stated: “A cold wind blew across the prairies when the last buffalo fell…a death-wind for my people. By 1889 there were fewer than 1,000 bison left.” (Smoke Signals Volume X11. Number 3 June, 2001)

When I asked Leonard whether the correct term is bison or buffalo he said…bison. Evidently the North American Buffalo is not a true buffalo. Its closest relative is the european Bison or Wisent and the Canadian Woods Bison, not the buffalo of Asia or Africa even though bison and buffalo are commonly interchanged.

It was through the efforts of far-sighted conervationists that saved the bison from extinction.  Thanks to the diligence and perseverance of dedicated bison ranchers who are enthusiastic champions of these majestic   extinction again. Whether as a consumer, investor or producer bison are among nature’s best and are here to stay!

Coralie Raia Darsey-Malloy is a life coach and group leader and public speaker. I can be contacted at:

Wednesday, 16 January 2013


Money is human happiness
in the abstract

--Arthur Schopenhauer

The topic of money often brings up some conflicted, confusing beliefs about what it is and what it is and what it represents.  Some beliefs are uplifting; others are “down-pushing.”  In reality, money is a symbol of energy and a convenience that was developed in exchange for goods and services.
What a person chooses to do with that energy determines the effect money has on them and others around them.

With money being used as a symbol of exchange it is much less cumbersome than having to barter as we once did. When money is viewed as an exchange of energy it is easier to re-frame what it represents in all our lives. Money is also a method and a tool and even though we can build things with tools the tool and the outer representation of the inner things we want to build. My husband David and I have had gone through a number of ebb and flow times in our personal and professional lives and present a seminar called Money Dynamics. Some of the basic principles are:

Reduce limiting, fear based thinking about money.
Increase positive believes and self-worth.
Take a responsible, mindful approach to making and managing what money you do have.
Establish a credit rating and make sure to make at least the minimum payment each month even when one is not required. Missed monthly payments can affect the overall rating. 
Create a budget and savings plan and stick to it
Consider ways to decrease spending without reducing the quality of life.
Develop an attitude of gratitude about the abundance that you already have.
Create and use positive affirmations about money such as: “I am enjoying the large sums of money that flow into my life, quickly and effortlessly, this or something better for my highest good and the good of all concerned.”

During the process of improving our financial health we began we made some interesting discoveries. It started when we applied for a business loan at our local bank. When we were turned down our bank manger sat down and went over our bureau with us.

She pointed out that we had neglected to update our credit bureaus before applying for the loan.  For example one credit card company had reported the same outstanding balance twice. There were incorrect addresses and names on our report and that looked suspicious to the decision makers and no record of current credit activity. She suggested that obtain a copy, contact Trans Union and begin the process of clarifying information.

We found out that everyone is entitled to one free credit bureau per year. The process to obtain a copy involves sending proof of identity in the form of a driver’s license and utility bill. Health cards are not accepted. There are now two crediting reporting bureaus in Canada, Equifax, Trans Union andand none of them share information. So when applying for any loan it is imperative to find out in advance which one your lender uses and contact them. You are entitled to one free report each year and it is critically important to obtain one and to assure that everything on your bureau is correct including telephone numbers, addresses, employment and to update anything that is not 100% accurate. Be careful not to subscribe to the expensive fraud reporting system that these companies promote.
Our next step was to apply for a loan at our local credit union. They used Equifax and our credit rating and personal information was current and the loan was approved.

A year later we applied for a credit card for our company through Capital One and discovered information about the new anti-money laundering laws the Canadian government has implemented.  The new laws are very strict and any discrepancies can affect the amount of money that lenders can offer.

We also found out that filling out credit applications and having inquiries on your bureau will lower your beacon score. How much we have or do not have. Increasing our financial position. Managing our finances when they get away from us.  

People frequently underestimate some of these key points:
The mportance of keeping track of information on credit bureaus and how to access personal credit reports.
How applying for credit cards affects ratings, interest and beacon scores.
Researching possible investment options such as pyramid schemes, mortgages and other plans. If they sound too good to be true they probably are.
Ways to reduce monthly expenses without reducing the quality of life.
Being realistic about how secure existing jobs and pensions actually are.
Considering whether self-employment is a way of adding to basic income extra tax benefits.

I am a free lance writer, author, life coach, seminar leader and public speaker. For more information on the personal development company I co-founded and co-directed with my hubs David Malloy the website link is: The website for my book I've Been There~A Testimony of Hope is: www.ibtbookcom. Email:




By Coralie Raia Darsey-Malloy

There are many who suffer from foot pain at some point in his or her life and I was among them.  When I started having pain and burning in my feet, knees and lower back I consulted my mentor naturopath Dr. George Kroeker. He recommended that I invest in a pair of specially designed insoles called orthotics.  In my case he felt that they would correct an irregular walking pattern, reduce pain, add support and improve the overall biomechanical function of my foot and lower extremities. He took a plaster mold of my feet and   sent them to a laboratory where technicians created my first set of orthotics.

After an adjustment period I began to notice that the pain in discomfort in my body lessened and eventually stopped.  That was over 25 years ago and I continue to invest in new orthotics whenever my ankles, knees, lower back or tendons in my groin feel stained or hurt.  The foot specialists I have consulted always emphasize the importance of purchasing good quality lace up shoes that provide the proper support and cushioning for the foot. It is counter-productive to place specially made foot stabilizers in twenty dollar shoes.

Up until the time I had problems with the biomechanics of my body I had never given my feet much thought.  Then during my consultations the various professionals I have seen always discuss the marvel of design and efficiency within the human foot. Even though it is a part of the body that many of us take for granted I have developed much greater respect and appreciation for my feet. Our feet have   more than 100 working parts. No less than 26 bones work with the foot's ligaments, muscles and tendons in two very small structures to support and balance the weight of the entire body. During a normal walking day the force on the feet is enormous. Walking puts up to 1.5 times one's bodyweight on the feet.   On average, our feet log 1,000 miles per year. As shock absorbers, feet cushion up to one million pounds of pressure during one hour of strenuous exercise. That is why it is so critical to take care of the feet from babyhood into advanced years.   Starting life on the right foot may involve having orthotics made for children who have a foot deformity. They are also an effect method for relieving foot fatigue and discomfort or arthritis in older adults.


During my many consultations with a variety of foot specialists I asked a lot of questions about  how orthotics work and why they are so beneficial and they answered them.  They explained that  orthotics  support the arch,  cushion the heel and  prevent over-pronation (flattening of the arch) and  absorb shock while running and walking. The absorbency orthotics provide protects the rear of the foot—(subtaylor joints)--and the mid-foot (midtarsal joints). That makes the foot more stable and can help to avert   overuse injuries. These foot stabilizers also be  beneficial for overweight individuals  as they help to counteract the amount of  stress on the feet due to extra weight. Seemingly minor problems can be magnified with athletic individuals.  Depending on the type of exercise the movement and pressure on the foot is increased and the orthtics compensate for imperceptible imbalances, reduce fatigue and promote efficient muscle function that enhances performance.

This has certainly been true for me. A few years ago I tore the cushioning under my kneecap and was told I would need surgery. I went back to Nancy Klassen at Boundary Trails Health Center and she made a new pair of orthotics. I invested in another pair of properly fitting shoes and combined that with acupuncture, physiotherapy and braces. This multi-tiered approach helped me to avert surgery and I am back to living an active lifestyle.


Orthotics are designed to suit specific needs and come in a  variety of materials. They all improve  foot function by minimizing stress forces that could ultimately cause  deformity and pain. There are three  categories of orthotics. Some are designed to change foot function. These are  mainly protective in nature, and  combine functional control and protection. More corrective orthotics  can also be designed to   treat  severe foot issues such as toe-in or toe-out syndromes.   In cases like these specialists may add splints, night bars and gait plates. Orthotics of this type makes constant corrective adjustments by holding the foot in the correct position and may be left on while a person is sleeping.  They are also constructed    to improve or eliminate pain in the legs, thighs and lower back due to abnormal function of the foot. Softer compressible materials are effective for arthritis or deformities where there is a loss of protective fatty tissue on the side of the foot and can assist people with diabetes.The third type of orthotic, which is semi-rigid are often used for athletes and are constructed of layers of soft materials, reinforced with more rigid materials. This type   allows the muscles, tendons and bones in the fee and lower legs to function at their highest potential


Specialists  consistently agree that the benefits obtained with custom designed orthotics should not be confused with the prefabricated models that are sold over the counter.  There is a significant difference in quality and effectiveness.  Comparatively, prefabricated orthotics, mass-produced to fit an "average" foot, may cost less, but usually do not properly correct the specific problems. The prefabricated  types of orthotic can actually worsen a condition and create orthopedic problems elsewhere in the body. Those at particular risk are people with heel pain, Achilles tendon pain, back or knee problems or those who have a high arch foot type or flat feet.

Foot specialists  are trained in their knowledge of lower extremity biomechanics and orthopedic foot function and only suggest   orthotics after a thorough  evaluation of an individual’s particular problem. These trained health professionals consider medical problems, pain levels and make their assessment based on  X-Rays,   gait analysis orthopedic issues, the level of and type of activity, foot type, ankle, knee and hip movement. Although there is a lot to consider obtaining a pair of custom   orthotics usually requires a minimal number of office visits. They can also be made and a custom-made orthotic helps the foot function more effectively as a "machine."


Many people suffer from an uneven weight distribution when they walk. As they age, their feet begin to suffer the consequences of this imbalance. That often  leads  to ankle pain, strained calf muscles, knee and hip pain and sore backs. By using  orthotics,  the wearer corrects imbalances in the foot that might be  causing pain in the rest of the body. . Here are a few of the injuries and conditions where orthotics may be useful:

Injury prevention

Chronic Low Back Pain

 Knee Pain (Runners Knee, Chondramalcia Patella, Patella Femoral Syndrome)

 Heel Pain (Heel Spur)

 Ankle Pain (Achilles Tendonitis, Sprained Ankle, Tibialis Dysfunction, Lateral Impingement Syndrome Forefoot Pain (Metatarsalgia )

 Arch Strain (Plantar Fasciitis)

 Shin Pain (Compartmental Syndrome, Shin splints)

 Hip Pain (ilio-tibial band syndrome)

 Sacroiliac Joint Dysfunctions

 Headaches/ TMJ (Jaw pain)